Visit of Universitas Hasanuddin and KOMINFO on 7 October 2015

Visit of Universitas Hasanuddin and KOMINFO on 7 October 2015


We received two delegations from Universitas Hasanuddin and two government officials of the KOMINFO all the way from Makassar on Wednesday afternoon, 7 October 2015.

The occasion of the visit was for them to conduct a comparative study in the anticipation of the establishment of the Makassar Techno Park, one of the five Techno Parks going to be established in five of Indonesia’s major cities.

We were blessed with a relatively haze free afternoon on that day, and they were escorted by our General Manager and myself to tour both the animation and liveshoot sides of the studio.

As part of their aforementioned Comparative Study agenda, they had numerous questions about the studio ranging from our management system, hardware and software used, to the composition of our manpower, which were answered and explained thoroughly by the General Manager and myself.

They were clearly impressed with our studio, and one of the government officials declared that it can definitely considered a national pride having the largest studio in South East Asia right here in Batam, Indonesia.

Not only that, the delegation from Universitas Hasanuddin was also genuinely interested in forging co-operation with our studio, and we will relish the opportunity to be able to co-operate with them such as welcoming the best animation talents from Makassar for internship stints for instance.